We started with our navigator Aunty. Yes we call her Aunt ....Why ? Bahut gussa aata hai usko ....Thodi thodi time par boloti hai ki take right/left ....Par haan Aunty ke karan we reached San Antonio and came back easily.
Yes you are right ...its a GPS system.

So now we need not to worry about the directions , we started 300 miles journey around 7-7.30 AM on 25th Nov.
We reached San Antonio around 1-1.30 .....and started enjoying... Shamu / Viva and all the rides were fun and life time experience one should have.
"Believe," an entirely new, visually stunning Shamu show takes you on a sensational, breathtaking journey of curiosity and wonder. This captivating, dramatic show is presented in a completely enhanced Shamu Theater and features new music, video and animal behaviors. The area includes a new roof, set pieces, sound system and lights and an additional point-of-view camera that offers an overhead view of the action in the water. During the high-energy water sessions, guests seated in the first 14 rows must be prepared to become splash victims! An interactive Web site www.Shamu.com highlights the breathtaking displays of grace and beauty during "Believe."
The White Whale and Dolphin Stadium comes alive with the revolutionary "Viva!" show. This colorful production features professional high divers, aerialists and synchronized swimmers performing with the acrobats of the sea, Pacific white-sided dolphins and beautiful beluga whales, all against a dramatic backdrop of water screens, waterfalls and fountains. It's the first of its kind at any SeaWorld Adventure Park.
In evening we went to Chuck E. Nice concept and that was the best part where we all enjoyed , Guddu specially ...